Thursday, 26 February 2015

It is Time For Africa; Wake Up Africa.

After the recently concluded African heads summit in Addis Ababa Ethiopia, the social media as well as new rooms were all full of proceedings of the summit as well as the resolutions. However the most discussed and eye catching was the establishment of the African court of justice(ACJ) that would be an equivalent of the current International Criminal court that is based at the hague. Little discussed was;
  • the state of restlessness in the sovereign republic of Nigeria due to the extremist bokoharam.
  • The continuous torture of africans in the Saudi arabia who go looking for green pastures.
  • The unstable African economy that continue to be sabbotaged by the west economy.
  • the state of the nation of sierra leon and Liberia after the attempted coup by ebola.
Domination of the ACJ subject was seen as a selfish move by the African heads after it seemed to get more propulsion force from the reigning Kenyan President H.E. Uhuru Kenyatta, Commander in chief of the Defence forces. This was interpreted in line that he had been the recent victim of ICC infringement of what a good friend H.E. Museveni would call "Uhuru wa Afrika". The able, eloquent president justified why As africa we needed African solutions to African problems.This sounded a brilliant idea and it still sounds, but what of implementation.
The cacoon covering the whole idea seem to be a retaliatory attack after the former Chief prosecutor of the ICC seemed to politicize justice by suing the famous ICC six in line with their 2007 political affiliations.

Let us reason;
  1. Assume Ocampo Moreno Louis sued the six without considering PNU or ODM, would it have come this extent?
  2. Assume Ocampo adhered to the principles of justice and stood out fair and conducted an intensive investigation, would the culmination of all the events that have followed been this shameful?
  3. Now, take it that Ocampo entered Kenya specifically to investigate peroetrators of 2007 post election violence without getting interested in ODM or PNU affairs, what kind of submission do you think would he have handed over to the ICC?
  4. Finally, assume Ocampo was left to conduct this case to the end as the chief prosecutor..... I pose.
Africa needs African problems. The joining of American forces to bring down Ghadhaffi a renown west African icon did no good but rather harm. The entry of Kenya forces in somalia has seen our somali brothers return home to rebuild a once colapsing nation.
Let us wake up Africa, no one will come to arm us to build our heritage, our prosperity, our future, we shall do it on our own. African is able, Africa has the capability. The plethora of our coastal marines to our beautiful natural resources are all sweet resources whose manipulation we have overlooked for long.
Wake up Africa, For Africa, deserves African solutions.