Tuesday, 12 May 2015


I must start by noting that as much as historians’ document human race to be evolving continually, the evolution of the Kenyan society is very fast that the turn of another phase occurs just before the previous phase is over. Kenyans are however masked with a cocoon of what I will term as ignorant and rhetorically resistant attitude as well as vision towards these unnecessary evolutions. Interesting is in the direction in which these evolutions are moving the country to. 

Kenya is a country endowed with many privileges though even a young kid knows that these privileges only exist in books, journals and presentation in special forums, conferences and any other presumed special sittings. Kenya is accelerated towards the ditch by her own leaders and entrusted political machineries who cannot actually revert back erroneous intentional decisions they make because these are selfish motivated and with ill interests.

It is merely less than 60 days since the president of the republic of Kenya presented what has come to be known as "List of Shame" to the parliament house. This of course was followed by a prediction of a war that had just been stirred and left to bomb the state. Analysts gave all the perspectives of the matter but I know few people, if at all any really paid attention to these forecasts. We all remember Irene Keino narrating how she had been threatened to resigned and even promised another lucrative appointment. These allegations were given by a confident Keino and aired to the whole world. However, these claims were treated as mere politics and as we talk to date the following have never been pursued so as to justify or annul as whether the complainant sought to establish herself as a sacred sheep or if the stated sentiments were of a complainant delivering what the intimidator had really presented.

Little attention was paid to establishing who actually could have made the promise, where the promise was made, what was the motive of the promise, and how did it come to this level. Today the 12th May 2015 Mumo Matemu resigned citing personal reasons which am sure may not be disclosed to any one in any time soon. Matemu goes home after breaking partially a shell that no any former chairman of the Ethics and Anti corruption Commission has ever even tried to hit before. Starting from the days of Ringera, to the verbal chairman PLO Lumumba, EACC was a commission known to threaten the perpetrators of corruption introducing the phrases "Big fish" and "Small Fish" in the Kenya arena of political address.

Matemu will be credited for having been one of whose regime was characterized by numerous legal challenges and battles at the Integrity centre but at least one who flipped through the pages that Kenyans once longed to see open for long. He may not have opened to where it was expected, but the courage, zeal and the determination that Matemu demonstrated to that far would have never been seen in this country if we were still to live our past. The longevity of his tenure at the helm of this fierce commission was ruled short the moment H.E. Uhuru surrendered the list to the House of both learned and defenders of Justice and perpetrators of injustice.

The helms have been cut even shorter because Matemu may never be a happy man to enjoy that vision he once had of seeing a corrupt free country. All prosecutions if any will be done are going to be when this man is out of office. I will draw your attention to what happened at the ICC when Ocampo Louis investigated the 2007-2008 PEV and handed the prosecution to Fatou Bensouda. This is the scenario with the so called "List of Shame".  Analysis will show you the memory of the "List of Shame" should start flickering in minds of Kenyans now as pertaining the "List of Shame". 

It can be deciphered by any creature with cerebral as well as medulla coordination that this resignation has come at such a time when it was least supposed to happen. This gives you the possible reasons for the occurrence of this resignation. This resignation could have been prompted either in favor of the prevailing circumstances or against the wish of Matemu actually. We are yet to decipher, but as Kenyans it is time we all joined in forces of prayer and faith and liberated ourselves from the shackles we have handcuffed ourselves with. Our leaders will continue to sabotage our boundaries of freedom allocated to us by nature. 

As I end this article I would like you to think about this, "After resignation, Kazungu Kambi is still earning his full salary." 

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